
resident16 t1_j5h78on wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in RIP Postbellum by Littleprisonprism

Nope, nothing on my end.

I just signed up on the website. There was some quick questionnaire you do, take a couple photos for the doctor, and in a matter of minutes you’re approved. I looked the guy up and he’s certified and all that important stuff.

Honestly the hardest part for me is remembering to do the foam portion twice a day. It’s okay if you miss a day or so though.


resident16 t1_j5gtigb wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in RIP Postbellum by Littleprisonprism

Sure thing:

I do the basic plan which is a pill once a day and then this foam stuff (basically Rogaine) twice a day. You gotta stay with it but I started seeing some results after a month. I started seeing real noticeable results after 3+ maybe? I’ll post a before/after real soon.


resident16 t1_j5ghht6 wrote

Reply to comment by DILF_LUVR42069 in RIP Postbellum by Littleprisonprism

LMAO well I went once after some IPA festival after 9 or 10 beers, way more than I normally drink. Had a shot of fireball and may have gotten sick at a bar table…

The bartender was not pleased as you could imagine.

That being said, the silver lining is she made a very cutting remark about my thinning hair (was unaware at the time) which basically got me self-conscious about it. Now I’m on Keeps and have a thick head of a hair again. Who knows if I’d be at this point had she not hurt my feelings like that.