
redux44 t1_j4skmvf wrote

Yea I mean its so outlandish to think Ukraine/US would be the prime suspects in blowing up a critical piece of infrastructure that gives Russia long term leverage over Europe.

Of course it was the Russians who blew up their own pipeline and it's even more obvious now as their spending resources to repair it as a cover to sweep away the evidence.


redux44 t1_j1dtxax wrote

They were boosting, with Twitter executives help, "Afghan" accounts spreading stories about Iran harvesting organs of Aghans. Many other stories also spread to incide ethnic/sectarian divisions in the region.

Makes you wonder how much of the China genocide and organ stories is also spread by US intelligence. Reddit seems flooded with anti-China posts daily.

Anyway, not too surprising for anyone familar with history of US but good to have it acknowledged.