
really_isnt_me t1_j9w93q5 wrote

It can happen even if you’re plenty far enough behind the front vehicle. Those ice sheets/ice slabs can fly around in the air in weird ways and can land very unpredictably. R/boston was talking all about it yesterday and some people posted videos. There’s no rhyme or reason to how the ice lands and believe it or not, you can get hit even if you’re not following closely at all.


really_isnt_me t1_j0y3ch4 wrote

Nope, only alcohol (readily available) and benzodiazepines (usually prescribed) cause withdrawals that can kill, usually from seizure. For everything else, it’s mostly a mental struggle after the first week or so. But if you’re detoxing from serious, prolonged alcohol or benzo use, you should definitely seek a professional therapeutic environment. You might feel like you’re dying when you detox from heroin/opiates, but you really aren’t.