
rdsmith3 t1_jdh2s8d wrote

If you have significant damage, they will send someone to inspect that you had it repaired. If you were able to get it repaired for less than they paid you, then you made out. They typically do not ask for receipts, in my experience.


rdsmith3 t1_iz5eq6r wrote

Is there any signage indicating where to line up/wait for the bus after parking? No, just ask someone to make sure you're in the right line. You do not want the downtown/Wall St. bus.

I will probably try to catch the bus at either 7:10 or 7:50 based on the current timetables. Do they tend to leave on time? Yes

Do these busses tend to be very crowded? It really varies now. Hard to say. Tues, Wed, and Thurs are most crowded.

How far in advance do people tend to line-up in order to get a seat? Maybe 10-15 min

What happens if there are more people than will fit on the bus? (Are people allowed to stand in the aisle? Or do you just wait for the next one?) I would not stand but they sometimes allow it.