
ravia t1_iydo8z3 wrote

Funny coincidence, just last night I was mentally preparing a post here about the best light in the city, which might just be Herron and Bigelow. That one has serious sensors and options. If there is no traffic, the main one (Bigelow) turns red, but the green is YOUR street for YOU, then if there are no other cars on the side streets at that five-way intersection, it goes back to Bigelow. If there are no cars in the turning lanes, the turning lane signal stays red.

Best light evar.


ravia t1_iy2gyfq wrote

One thing is that, like the South Side Works area on East Carson, the new developments tend to have a problem with store fronts, IMO. Store fronts that grow naturally are just riddled with specificity, a unique look, due to vastly different conditions of building, signage, etc. If you look at the signage in the Terminal development, it looks like they adhere to some restrictions on size of sign, sign font, etc., for example. It creates a kind of monotone, and it can even obscure businesses that are there. E.g., in the South Side, the waffle place, or Paint with a Twist (or whatever it's called). These signs/storefronts just don't stand out enough.

I don't know how they could do it otherwise but I bet they could. Have it less finished, and require the businesses to finish the storefront more themselves. Even if it's shoddy, it would look more natural and unique.


ravia t1_ixzafzo wrote

Hokkaido seems to be kind off good at times, quite a wide Chines/Japanese (including something like hibachi) selection. Some pretty authentic looking stuff at times maybe (saw an old Asian woman eating chicken feet). Big hunks of baked fish were tremendous. Little shrimp burst with a little bite and were like butter at the same time. Is it great? Don't ask me.


ravia OP t1_ixdme69 wrote

I say they put animation stills along the wall of the tunnels, and you wear special glasses and the pictures play a cartoon about the tunnel monster when you look out the passenger window.


ravia OP t1_iwwgfc9 wrote

He was going in the opposite direction, headed westbound, while I was headed eastbound along with the rest of the traffic. Fortunately there was very little traffic. And fortunately he stayed in "his" lane. He was driving the wrong way.


ravia OP t1_iwvrndx wrote

Well, they got in the bridge I assume but I'm not sure where from. I can't even think it backwards, but then again, how about from just like the off ramp that leads to Liberty, so they came onto the DO NOT ENTER part of the bridge ramp, rather than the correct side, which puts you on the lower level?


ravia OP t1_iwts1ky wrote

Fourth time I've experienced that in 20 years of driving a cab. Only one in the tunnel. One was Boulevard of the Allies, me outbound. Connector to Fort Duquesne Bridge (heading toward 10th Street Bypass, someone popped out of the little tunnel). Another on Ohio River Boulevard around Avalon.