
quailtop t1_j72jh4m wrote

This is not what Turing-complete means! Turing-complete for X simply means any algorithm a Turing computer can execute, X can do. Turing computers are not capable of magic - they are the litmus test for what's feasible, but it can't execute every physical computation. For example, it cannot execute a quantum algorithm.

There is no evidence to suggest a Turing computer can reproduce the "mind", which is really the crux of OP's point. If your model of cognition relies on mental processes being reducible to symbol manipulation, then, yes, a mind can be formed from a Turing-complete device. But OP is arguing that cognition is not, even in principle, symbolic manipulation - rather, it is substrate-dependent (the choice of machinery used to implement directly factors into the experience of consciousness or cognition).

It is not an uncommon view in the philosophy of cognition.
