
qckpckt OP t1_ja3jwnb wrote

Drop MT3 jukebox. I think I bought the ortho kit. There’s a few perhaps slightly odd things I did with this kit - I had to choose caps for some keys based on their row rather than the text on the cap, due to the fact that the Atreus layout isn’t the same as a Planck, plus I have customized the Atreus layout slightly.

Some of the bottom row are also flipped because I use my right thumb for the right hand cluster (space and backspace mostly).

It’s super comfortable for me though! Much better than the original caps.


qckpckt OP t1_j9vrlgm wrote

I’ve wanted to try a trackball for a while and came across the ploopy nano kit. Thought it would be a good intro to trackballs and a fun afternoon project.

I’ve just finished my first week using this setup exclusively for my job.

I have a layer with mouse buttons mapped to keys at easy reach under my right hand, which I activate by holding down the enter key. This is the layer I already use for the arrow keys.

I control the trackball with my left thumb. Bizarrely, this required no adjustment at all! Instantly intuitive.

It’s really nice not having to move my hands off the keyboard at all. Considering building a more integrated solution now, perhaps with the Charybdis!