
professorDissociate t1_j2yk5tk wrote

Europe’s infrastructure would like a HUGE word with you… TL;DR, Europe is way more developed. I guess that’s what happens when the local government gives more than half a rats ass about its people.

Check out their public transport for example. It’s fucking amazing

Edit: lol. My TLDR was longer than my tidbit. How great.


professorDissociate t1_j1n4hxp wrote

I’m autistic too. Level 1 autism here. I’d have a fucking meltdown and nobody would understand why. I work in a non customer facing role doing data engineering, architecture, and analyzation stuff though. So worst I need to worry about, thank the universe, is staring at datasets all night long. I love doing that shit anyways so sign me up.


professorDissociate t1_iyeimz5 wrote

Right, and stuff like this very easy to misconstrue. Think of all the ways that life survives here on Earth. Looking at an individual case almost always makes it seem like there is intent in the design. Scaling back your perspective though, it’s more clear that nothing makes intuitive sense. It’s like biology threw everything it had at the wall, saw what stuck, and kept it going until it didn’t stick anymore. Most adaptations are odd ball solutions when looking at the big picture, like a virus surviving by infecting rats -> making the rats fear less -> rat eaten by a cat -> virus reproduces in cat tummy -> cat poops out baby virus -> rat eats poop -> rinse and repeat.

Fun fact: had we evolved to use copper instead of iron in our blood… our blood would be green. Why did we evolve to use iron? The reason Iron is used is because it holds a very specific place on the periodic table which makes it stable enough to be held by your cells, common enough to be ingested from organisms in your surroundings, and reactive enough that oxygen will readily latch on to it.

There are copper-based oxygen-carrying pigments, such as haemocyanin, found in some crustaceans & mollusks. They are only about a quarter as effective in carrying oxygen, molecule for molecule, than haemoglobin, because they do not have the steric interaction of the haemoglobin subunits that confer a sigmoid saturation curve upon haemoglobin.

So it’s likely we adapted to using iron to support our need for utilizing more oxygen within our blood. More oxygen supports a huge array of other things.

We also cook our food to break it down more and extract more calories from it. This supports, among other things, our “big brains”. Did you know cows have four stomachs to support digestion of raw grass?


professorDissociate t1_iyefvin wrote

I will never understand why god went through all the hard work of creating a universe that operates in such a manner. The means do not align with the end. Like if he cared so much for humans, why make it so that humans only occupy a tiny speckle within history. A single grain of sand within our entire solar system has more significance in terms of scale, than the existence of humans within all of time. It’s kind of like if we decided to build houses by waiting for natural flowing water to cut out cave systems for us (except that would still be much more efficient than spinning up an entire universe for humanity’s sake).

At what point is it safe to say this stuff just doesn’t make sense anymore?


professorDissociate t1_ixrc4of wrote

You know what would be cool? A mouse with a new type of joystick that basically doesn’t protrude from the console. Just a dip in the side that is just the right size for someone’s thumb to fit in the dip. And the dip/“joy stick” moves however you move your thumb. Then configure it to have much higher precision than the actual mouse, so that big movements are done by moving the mouse with the arm/wrist while precision is performed by extension with the thumb.