
pig_n_anchor t1_je7mw6c wrote

I agree. I'm just saying that anything that could rightly be called AGI will almost certainly have that capability. I suppose it's theoretically possible to have one that can't improve itself, but considering how good it is at programming already, I see it as very unlikely.


pig_n_anchor t1_je72e8k wrote

Under my definition (the only correct one), AGI would have the power of recursive self improvement and would therefore very rapidly become exponentially more powerful. So if you start with human level AGI, you will soon reach ASI within months or maybe just a matter hours. Also, even narrow AI is superhuman at the things it can do well. E.g. a calculator is far better at basic arithmetic than any human. If an AI were really a general purpose machine, then I can’t see how it would not be superhuman instantly at whatever it does, if only because it will produce results much faster than a human. For these reason, the definition of ASI collapses into AGI. Like I said, my definition is the only correct one and if you don’t agree with me, you are wrong 😑.