
phoebdroid t1_it7gsnl wrote

Well as soon as we are conducting electricity through a closed circuit, we can talk about resistance and impedance right ? Cables have impedance, components have impedance , so on and so forth. While I'm not an electrical engineer, about something that trivial I fail to see what's wrong with that statement.


phoebdroid t1_it6zuvs wrote

Soundstage is a difficult one and and none of the explanations so far seem to satisfy me so I will also attempt to define it. It, to me, is the merit of how close we can get to reproducing an actual stage filled with musicians , through sound reproduced by means of electrical amplification.

In doing so, you need good and accurate stereo separation. Say we have some cellos on the far right of the stage , o soprano in the middle and some Violins on the left. In reality , where you are sitting in front of that stage , your ears will be able to pinpoint each sound source even with closed eyes. Can we achieve the same ? That's stereo separation.

And then there is depth, now let's put some rows of flutes behind the vocalist, while they are all roughly grouped in the center the ones behind will be slightly quieter to you since they are farther. To reproduce this you will need a good dynamic range, to be able to meaningfully reproduce very subtle level differences. Also with great dynamic range you will be able to hear incredibly quiet stuff, like musicians breathing, clarinets clicking, fingers moving on strings etc.

Also you need good tonal fidelity that all the sounds and relevant timbres actually sound like the real thing.

Add to that adequate amplification so that we can push exact same sound pressure levels all the way to you, as if there was a stage in front of you and VOILA , we have created a good soundstage.


phoebdroid t1_it6uabv wrote

Sound is an entity that travels through solid/liquid/gas and hits you, that is your entire body. Yes your ears hear that sound but there is much more to it than that , which gets discarded by headphones. Especially so for low-end / subsonic frequencies. Your bone marrow, your spinal fluid and all the way to your synapses between your neurons vibrate with low frequencies.

This is the body-feeling difference in the comparison. And then there is what we call the sound stage, that open / deep perception of the stereo composition. Let alone coloration through added harmonics of cabinets, room, objects etc. (Which actually effects the sound produced but makes it more alive, like an entity that shares the same space with us)

So no guilt to be felt here. If you want precise monitoring of audible frequency range, headphones indeed can offer an awesome alternative. But if you want to float in music and let it massage you, a stereo speaker setup is where it's at.


phoebdroid t1_isku8x1 wrote

Reply to comment by brawndofan58 in Best hifi set-up ^.^ by amaya0165

The game in that music is amazing. The OST is truly in a league of it's own. I have beaten the game to oblivion several times on PS4 and then on PC, years ago. However I listen to the OST pretty much daily . So yeah, the music indeed comes with a nice game


phoebdroid t1_isgevs7 wrote

Look, in my perception I have provided the pinnacle answer to Hi-Res audio question of the OP, for a smart user. And if you are not that, no matter how many question marks or down votes you throw at it, sadly, you won't become that.
