
peon2 t1_j9uuhmi wrote

Reply to comment by uglybushes in new Subaru help, please by ssnhl

Ah interesting, is that due to a higher supply of Outbacks or a higher demand for Crosstreks?.

Curious because I just sold my 2020 Outback to a local dealership recently. I got a sales job that had a company vehicle and it happens to be a Crosstrek so I wanted to dump the monthly payments.

Have to say I liked the Outback a lot better, way more cargo space but still a small enough vehicle that parking wasn't an issue.


peon2 t1_j9jt7he wrote

I'm sure I'm not the only one but I always try to avoid following someone with stuff in the bed of their truck, even when it isn't ridiculous like this.

I know there are some handy people out there, but I also know how stupid some people are and I never want to blindly trust the guy in front of me knows how to safely strap everything down


peon2 OP t1_j6ih221 wrote

I'm not entirely sure. We are gas heat but for some reason our water heaters are electric so that probably is a big part of it.

But our dishwasher is new and the washer/dryer aren't super old so they should probably be fairly efficient. And we wash our clothes on cold. My fiance works from home and usually has a TV on as background noise all day but my calculations say that leaving a smart TV on for an entire month straight should just total about 42 KwH

Duquesne Light claims we used 1470 kwH over the last 30 days.

Some googling says the average household use is 850/mo and as 2 people in a reasonable size home I feel like we should come under the average not over.


peon2 t1_iua26y0 wrote

I guess it depends if the entirety of the PG is unionized or not, of which I am unsure.

I've worked in factories where all the hourly workers were unionized, I've also worked in factories where joining the union was optional and it was about a 70/30 split for those who joined and didn't respectively.

In the case of the latter if the 70% unionized guys striked and the 30% non union members kept working they wouldn't really be scabs