
pdpi t1_j6i8k2v wrote

Salience basically means "stand out-iness". E.g. a salient issue is an issue that stands out as important. In addiction, it refers to how the thing you're addicted to is constantly at the top of your mind.

This paper describes it well:

> This refers to when the particular activity becomes the most important activity in the person’s life and dominates their thinking (preoccupations and cognitive distortions), feelings (cravings) and behaviour (deterioration of socialized behaviour). For instance, even if the person is not actually engaged in the behaviour they will be thinking about the next time they will be.


pdpi t1_iyckqgh wrote

GOTO is one of a handful of really fundamental, core concepts in programming, you basically can’t achieve anything useful without it. The flip side to that is that, because you need GOTO for everything, you need to read a lot of the surrounding code to understand what, exactly, you’re trying to achieve.

As it turns out, there’s a small handful of uses (if/else, while, for, try/catch, function calls) that completely dominate compared to everything else. Instead of a goto that can mean anything, you can use one of those language constructs instead and say exactly what you mean (this is also why most languages are slowly adopting for x in list, because it’s the most common usage pattern for for loops). This is easier to read, it’s less error prone (because the compiler/interpreter can handle all the setup and cleanup chores for you).

People do forget that there is a long tail of legitimate use cases for goto, though, which is a bit of a shame.


pdpi t1_ixy1gfj wrote

There are almost certainly differences in behaviour like what you’re describing that are just down to biological differences. However, you need to be really careful analysing that sort of thing, because culture and societal norms play a massive role in moulding behaviour, and completely drown out the biological differences.

By way of example, you get a lot of US-based people arguing that men are just better at STEM topics than women, but my university (in Portugal) didn’t really match that at all. Overall there were more males than females, but the difference wasn’t anywhere near as big as in the US.

Then you could really see the cultural effects and biases at the department level — maths and physics departments were pretty balanced between genders (both in terms of students and lecturers), electrotechnical engineering and mechanical engineering were almost completely male-dominated, while chemistry and chemical engineering were female-dominated. Biomedical engineering and architecture were female-heavy, but to a much smaller extent.


pdpi t1_ixxzg1b wrote

Thats the point — the uterus also has nothing to do with urine, but actually does interfere with how often women have to pee.

Men’s reproductive organs don’t interfere with their urinary tract because they’re external (except for the prostate, which does join in on the bladder-bothering fun as men get older).

Women’s reproductive organs do interfere with the urinary tract because they’re internal, so they apply pressure on the bladder and just generally take up space that would otherwise be occupied by the urinary system and other internal organs.

I do mean that last bit literally — a friend of mine had a hysterectomy, and it took some time for her innards to adjust to the extra space.


pdpi t1_ixpnt1z wrote

Imagine I show you a box of chocolates. I ask you “what do you think is inside the box?”, and presumably you answer “chocolate”. I open the box, and show you that I’ve replaced the chocolates with marbles. Now, your friend comes inside the room, and I ask you “what does your friend think is inside the box?”

Young kids will say “marbles”, because they know there’s marbles inside. Older kids will answer “chocolates” because they understand that their friend sees a box of chocolates and has no way of knowing it’s actually filled with marbles. This is called a “theory of mind” — you have a mental model (“theory”) for how people have separate minds with separate knowledge.

One of the difficulties that come with autism is precisely around developing that theory of mind.