
payeco t1_jcmmkdy wrote

Don’t forget the corporate parent of the MTR has massive real estate holdings in HK which they use to fund operations and expansions. A bit hyperbolic but it would be like if the state gave the MTA Hudson Yards before it was built and told them profits from building there must go towards the subway.


payeco t1_j9ek2np wrote

I spend a lot of time in LA and SF as well and I don’t get how they haven’t elected an Eric Adams type candidate running on a campaign of getting rid of all the tent encampments. Whole city blocks just completely blocked by mountains of garbage and tents. It’s nuts people there just treat it as completely normal.


payeco t1_j68bxd3 wrote

I think even just a compromise like we have on the UES. High rises on avenues only, nothing over 7 stories on the cross streets. It allows for plenty of tall building while preventing the neighborhood from ending up feeling like you’re living in Midtown.


payeco t1_j65qmte wrote

> When a single city councilman/woman could stop development in its tracks, NIMBYism is still alive and well.

> We need to pass laws at the state level which may override the ability for local lawmakers to have a defacto veto on any new projects in their district. It’s absolutely absurd and should not be possible.

No law is needed. The council member veto over projects in their district is a gentleman’s agreement, not something based in law. It’s how the city council overrode the veto for the new blood center on the UES.

Which building codes and regulations do you want to do away with?


payeco t1_irrjfph wrote

I have no idea why this thought popped into my head but I wonder if it would be possible, 40+ years later, to track down whatever artist GE commissioned to create this generic art for the side of this toaster? Like, do those records still exist somewhere deep inside GE?