
patman3030 t1_iy9dqg7 wrote

Roddy's character isn't racist for not letting keith david's character say "fuck you I got mine" and ignore society's problems. If you think forcing the working class to open their eyes and see that they're being exploited by a class they'll never be a part of is wrong, then you're in no position to be crying racial oppression. "Let the minorities be scumbags too" is not anti-racism.


patman3030 t1_iy99sbl wrote

John carpenter protags aren't supposed to be the pinnacle of human courtesy. They're supposed to be realistic depictions of john everyman being dumped into the main conflict. They're assholes because people who are forcibly burdened with saving the world aren't going to be happy about their lives being destroyed. They make dumb choices because the new conflict they have to face isn't something they're prepared to deal with. They have to learn to be a hero as they go. How those characters act is how most, if not all, people would react if placed in their shoes.

I feel like the character bothers you because you were expecting more of a competent self insert character like in modern dystopia movies, while john carpenter says "if you were forced to save the world, you would wish you could go home and watch tv instead, and you'd suck at it the entire time you're saving the world".


patman3030 t1_itmu8by wrote

Well as far as han solo is concerned, there were only a few thousand jedi for all the 10,000 systems and millions of people on each of them. There's nowhere near enough jedi around for everyone to have seen them using magic force powers. The empire probably removed most of the recorded evidence of them doing good for people, meaning all he'd have to go on is stories people tell by word of mouth. And I've heard tons of stories of people being cured of disease by a religious minister's touch, and I'd sooner believe the sky was green than believe any of that without scientific evidence to back it up.