
outerspace29 t1_jefy8o4 wrote

This is hardly evidence that "people always speak as though this stuff only happens here." Again, it's a Philly sub. How should these types of comments be phrased to avoid offending your sensibilities, since it seems clear you're intolerant of any criticism of the city?

"A crime occurred in Philadelphia. In order to discuss it, I'm obligated to point out that crime occurred in Los Angeles, NYC, Detroit, Phoenix, and Boise as well. I'm confirming with my sources, but crime may also have occurred in Tripoli, Hong Kong, and Glasgow."


outerspace29 t1_je0m2ab wrote

As others have pointed out, better policing would go a long way in addressing violence like this. I'll also add that more investment and development in neighborhoods like this is also critical, otherwise the poor areas stay poor and this bullshit continues. Incentivize development in these areas, spread the dollars around instead of pumping it into a handful of places. A good neighborhood surrounded by blight is not a sustainable model for a city - we've seen this across the country over the course of decades at this point.

Maybe I need a catchphrase; "mandatory development" or something


outerspace29 t1_j8ecvov wrote

Have you looked at East Falls or Manayunk? Both of these neighborhoods offer pretty easy access to the river trail, and the stretches of the trail passing through them are very popular with runners and cyclists without being too crowded (compared to the parts closer to Center City). Both would we within your price range, and they're pretty safe neighborhoods. East Falls has a little more of a suburban feel, and has fewer shops/restaurants, while Manayunk has a pretty thriving main street. Manayunk also has a reputation for having a lot of recently graduated college students living/partying there, but that probably varies block by block.

Don't know if you have a car, but parking in both neighborhoods can be a challenge, especially Manayunk. Based on your comments on safety, you may also want to consider that little pocket of a neighborhood where the old Pep Boys headquarters is (it's just southeast of East Falls, along Allegheny Ave). There's some new construction going up, so if you're looking for value you could probably get it there. That said, the neighborhood is in the very early stages of developing, so you'd be looking at 5 or so years minimum before meaningful improvement. Still provides easy access to the river trail, though.


outerspace29 t1_j5kpwhi wrote

Citizen comments refer to a group that stands around on one of the corners there. I really wish there was a way to effectively clear corners. Practically every shooting video the PPD posts when looking for tips/information is a group getting walked down in broad daylight while standing around on a corner somewhere. I get that at least some of these are drug crews but why the fuck would you hang around in the open if you have "opps" looking to spray dozens of bullets in your direction? Sell drugs indoors for fuckssake


outerspace29 t1_j5kp3q9 wrote

This. A single large apartment building can mean an influx of several hundred new residents, all more or less at once. That in turn will draw in others who see positive change in the neighborhood, in addition to businesses to serve all those people.


outerspace29 t1_j1sdsgw wrote

Yeah you probably would have responded either way because you seem to seek out any and every criticism of Philadelphia on this sub to rail against, all while lobbying to censor crime posts because I guess public safety can't possibly be a concern to anyone (see my previous post about targets of crime, which you conveniently ignored).

I guess it's a coincidence that you push a narrative so hard on here while you're trying to rent out property you own in Center City lmao.

No arguing with a propagandist so I'm done here.


outerspace29 t1_j1s7a0k wrote

Yawn. This taking offense over any criticism of the city is a tired gimmick. It's also, frankly, a disgusting position to push so relentlessly; the people hardest hit by crime here tend to be low income people of color. Or is that okay with you, and not worth talking about, because it's "targeted" and oh look a new retail store opened in center city.


outerspace29 t1_j1qqyvn wrote

Not sure about your situation, but when I was searching, a big part of sellers' ability to command those prices was due to how much of the city people consider a "no-go" zone. Having vast swaths of North Philly immediately out of the running for people looking to buy a house just creates more competition in the "nice" neighborhoods.


outerspace29 t1_j1nb98n wrote

It's been argued over and cited to death on this sub that increasing supply frees up existing housing stock and lowers rents, but you do you.

You have no actual counterargument so you have to make up a position I never took (on utilities of all things).

Please tell us how we can address disinvestment in neighborhoods. Or does your performative online outrage stop short of actual ideas for resolving issues?


outerspace29 t1_j1n7j4b wrote

I just knew some reactionary stupidity like this would be incoming. We need to encourage more investment in every part of the city, and that means more construction projects, more people moving in, and more new businesses opening. New housing also means more supply and lower rents.

Or does it fill you with holiday cheer to drive around and see crumbling buildings, vacant husks of homes, and general poverty all over the place?


outerspace29 t1_j1mq5ym wrote

This really sucks, and exactly what this city doesn't need. I'd read elsewhere that low interest rates and young millennials entering adulthood were the driving force behind urban revitalization. The rates are higher, and many millennials have now entered the "have kids and move to the suburbs" phase of their lives, so there's a fear that the widespread urban blight of past decades could return and development/gentrification will slow significantly. I really really hope this isn't the case because Philadelphia would not weather that storm.