
o0_bobbo_0o t1_j6n5sle wrote

Sooo, being annoyed is considered to be weak? Like, they can say they fucked my mom all day, shit doesn’t bother me and really just shines a light on how sad they must be, but god damn does it get annoying.

Having to exclaim something ridiculous after losing or winning is honestly the weaker person if you think about it. Very low impulse control. Having to try to offend someone instead of say GG. What a bunch is sad individuals.


o0_bobbo_0o t1_j6n4ps8 wrote

Anyone here telling you “it happens in all aspects of competition….” are literally the people you’re talking about. Sure, trash talk happens, but not typically the shit you hear in a video game.

Salty they’re getting called out leads to all the downvotes you’re getting.

I agree. People need to take a step back. They talk shit if they win, if they lose, if you’re on their team and even doing better than them. Just a bunch of losers who didn’t get slapped around enough as a kid. They’re literally jus pouring out their insecurities right into your ears.


o0_bobbo_0o t1_j6lxjfm wrote

Unpopular opinion here…

I thought Bioshock was a boring very predictable game.

The story wasn’t the predictable part. The story was absolutely fantastic. Would make a better show/movie imo.

The gameplay was so predictable. Almost as if you could visibly see the trigger points for all the fights and such. I was bored playing such an interesting game.
