
nlikelyReaction t1_jbme9u2 wrote

Yeah that's my point regardless the option is possible if you guys really want to and have the time to lol it's not like there won't ever be a small window to take the chance its just up to the people involved

I also understand the need for a more physically close relationship so yeah but not everyone operates on that level so that's why I said it's enough for some


nlikelyReaction t1_j9dxmj3 wrote

Doesn't mean that was the majority of BLM protests is what they're saying. You're lumping a few incidents compared to the majority of the incidents that were started by the police and the FBI to continue to push a narrative that BLM is essentially riots. We get it. You were there....I was in NYC too from the Bronx so I know the ugly you're talking about but either way it doesn't mean it was like that most of the time and saying BLM is nothing but riots is you falling for the brainwashing. Gonna talk about riots talk about the riots that happened not lumping it all under BLM as nothing BUT riots


nlikelyReaction t1_j9dx6sn wrote

Yeah this has been outed already but it's easy to say BLM protests were violent because black = violent and also just the way riots are framed to make the oppressed's anger look meaningless and not an outcry for constantly being ostracized. People just want to buy into whatever racial bias they have already instead of looking deeper within.

If we were actually fully transparent with our history (American) maybe a lot of people would recognize these tactics lol I mean that shit goes back to the days of the Black Panthers, fucking one look at the CIA and what they did during that time as well as what the police and fire departments would do back then to destroy Black community for decades, it'd be obvious asf that they weren't done by protestors the majority of the time and most of these tactics were done to frame protestors to fit whatever fucked up narrative the shell out to the media to come up with, one being BLM is a terrorist organization, same shit they said about Black Panthers. Nothing new lol but isn't that the majority of history?


nlikelyReaction t1_j6xg28w wrote

Reply to comment by OgnjenPavkovicArt in The Gaze! by OgnjenPavkovicArt

I like how one could say oh there's nothing there but yet the cat is in a pre defensive stance indicating SOMETHING IS THERE so you can't brush it off entirely. Animals never lie when it comes to that type of stuff. Awesome ass work OP!