
nazariomusic t1_itnqw6l wrote

I'm literally right in between Philly and NYC. Both would be a 2 hr drive from me. Both I've been to many times and just can't imagine how anyone without $100k a year salary could afford to live here.


nazariomusic t1_itnpa5u wrote

You would be surprised. I moved out of Philly to scranton PA and I'm working in a fine dining restaurant down here. I've never heard so many grown men above the age of 15 say they hate vegetables and just wanted steak and potatoes (which is a vegetable but u know what I mean)

Most people think it's 'manly' to eat steak and pork chop day in and day out. You tell them how dirty pigs are or that beef is a known carcinogenic, and they will tell u they don't care.

So there clearly is a lack of proper nutritional education going on at all ages over here. Plus just looking at people and their ailments is rather sad. Especially knowing that if they ate healthy, exercised and stopped drinking so much beer most of what they are suffering from wouldn't be a problem.


nazariomusic t1_itnlfcu wrote

Usually when a corporation is financing any scientific institution, they believe they can influence what 'facts' are disclosed to the people. That's where the real problem lies.

Plus, people are already way too fat and out of shape as it is. Also, access to good healthy foods are almost impossible to find outside of big cities or the suburbs surrounding them. And even in the cities it's like $25 for a salad bowl that's healthy and delicious, yet happy meals are still like $6. Makes no sense tbh.