
mydriase OP t1_jbaz7ui wrote

I made that map with ice sheets / glaciers extent data from the University of Cologne, I got the lakes on and many other shapefiles (borders mostly) from

I got the information from the encyclopedia britannica and I read a couple of research papers.

I used QGIS for the basemap layer and Adobe Illustrator for everything else

Feedback welcome !

If you like maps, I have many more on my website :)

cheers !


mydriase OP t1_j5fleyf wrote

Also, I’ll add some patterns across oceans are currents, like you see in the northern Atlantic Ocean. The cold waters on the east coast of Canada are colder than those coming from warmer regions, so they get this sped up acidification effect…!

Also, it doesn’t show on the map so well but coastal waters tend to have a higher pH because of human activity and river discharge (bringing waste waters)


mydriase OP t1_j5fkf3i wrote

So the logic behind this map, as far as I know it, is that, from a purely chemical point of view, cold water is more acidic since the amount of CO2 that can dissolve into water is inversely proportional to the temperature.

So, this would mean cold water becoming warmer,because of climate change, should be less acidic. But then, in reality, more biological processes take place in warmer waters. These processes releases CO2 and acids. So water ends up getting more acidic

This degree of change is exacerbated by the fact polar waters are warming up much faster than the others on earth

That’s why it’s bright yellow, others who didn’t change so much are likely to not have warmed so much (or other reasons I don’t know)


mydriase OP t1_j5f4tj0 wrote

For this map I used the free data on NOAA (national Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and used QGIS / adobe illustrator process the data.

I will post a much more elaborate map tomorrow, adding a ton of extra information but wanted to share this simpler, straight forward version map of the topic.

In the meantime, you can find more cool maps, articles and even photographs on my website where I write about topics with a geographical point of view (hence the maps).

cheers :)