
musedmb715 t1_itc4e5k wrote

george bush is a laughingstock and dick cheney hS been considered evil in the states for a while now

whereas putin still has power all these years later

sometimes i can't tell if people who can't see a difference are some combination of cynical and ignorant, or are just trolls.

also no one in the world was making an argument that iraq was a working quality government who was friends with the world - as much of the world feels about ukraine

if you were surprised, you are either a victim of russian propaganda or insanely ignorant to the world


musedmb715 t1_itc3yga wrote

also people in the united states can face at least a modicum of backlash for their behavior.....whereas the elite in russia perpetuating these ideas are never even confrontented

at least george w had a show thrown at him and is disliked and distrusted by americans of all polotical affilitions

also the united statess is actually a world power....whereas russia is a nation beating it's chest and kicking children trying to prove how strong they are lolol