
mtcwby t1_jawpu44 wrote

The nuance in results is more refined. I've been playing with the chatgpt version and then the Bing version last night. Chatgpt seems to write better answers at the moment linguistically with Bing asking followup questions. The goal really seems to be an aggregated, detailed search experience. The biggest danger is they get it wrong but people accept the large amount of detail as somehow true without digging deeper because it's easy.


mtcwby t1_j9wsdlg wrote

It's worse than that with the current interest rates for mortgages and construction loans. The developers can't charge less than cost and their cost has gone up yet a huge portion of the population can't afford it either. So not much gets built because developer is also analyzing who is going to buy from them. Short of rates going down which I don't think will happen, only the state can step in and possibly take over some of the government associated cost. I don't think they will do it however.


mtcwby t1_j9vtrst wrote

One of the big issues with our costs related to California housing versus other places is our code is rightly tougher seismic code and a lot of other code that isn't as necessary but adds on a lot of cost. The other part is the cost of permits, hookups and other fees. About 200k per house in my part of the Bay Area. That gets marked up. Single family house cost is over 800K now. They're not going to get cheaper.


mtcwby t1_j9ughmf wrote

The problem with subsidies is they encourage a lot of political wheeling and dealing and generally high build costs as people milk it.

I'd like to see them decouple the low income housing fees from new construction because I think ironically they drive prices up and create more of a need for low income housing. It's not that it's not funded but don't collect from new construction and do something out of the general fund instead. Local government's role in the increase in housing prices is not really mentioned but with hookups and the like it can easily top 200k. That gets marked up too by the developer because they're putting the initial cash out there. Ameliorate that some and we might get out of this vicious cycle we're currently in with high rates and high costs making it difficult to build. More so than zoning in many ways.


mtcwby t1_j9starr wrote

They don't have much of a leg to stand on considering the city it's located in is pro airport and the FAA will flex too. The number of airports we have around the bay is not high and they're an important part of disaster preparedness including wildfires. Dublin can bitch all they want but it's not like that airport just snuck in while they weren't looking.


mtcwby t1_j9ssywc wrote

The market has nothing of that sort. Highrise buildings are still a function of land value. You don't build up until the building footprint cost gets extremely high simply due to cost.


mtcwby t1_j9ssoxf wrote

I don't think what they did is particularly attractive or inviting but they certainly executed high density housing. The Livermore problem was mostly about trying to expand even farther east and then bitching about the airport where they built houses under the flight pattern.


mtcwby t1_j9r9g1o wrote

The cities in the Tri-valley have their plans in and there's some onus on the authority for them to be reviewed and give the feedback which apparently hasn't been done. Dublin would be the one that would surprise me if they had a problem. They're one of the fastest growing cities in California and have built a lot of housing in the past ten years. I can't say I love what Dublin has become but they've done the building.


mtcwby t1_j9r8xwv wrote

And they're not going to be built by developers due to cost and lack of margin for those groups. You can zone all you want but it the numbers don't work it won't be done privately without a subsidy.


mtcwby t1_j8ft72u wrote

The only reason to be wary is that sometimes the PSA test gives a false positive and you need to abstain from sex before having the test. It doesn't mean don't get tested but be aware that the false positive can happen and that generally means more invasive testing. And talk to your doctor about when along with family history. It's a no-brainer to me at my age along with colon cancer screening.

That said I've known two men who died from it. One in his fifties about 15 years ago and one in his seventies very recently. The guy in his fifties was particularly sad because he was a Vietnam vet who had been wounded and thought the pain was related to that. Nicest and friendliest guy in the world taken way too soon.


mtcwby t1_j7bvka7 wrote

I believe it. Before being diagnosed I had a hard time in the winter. Leave when it's dark, come home in the dark. Pretty sure it was a minor case of depression and I believe my dad went his entire life with it undiagnosed. While I try to be very good about taking daily supplements there's been a couple times where I didn't for a while. That low key depression comes back when there's no reason for it.


mtcwby t1_j5qfhkg wrote

It's been a good watch and has both helped me get into better shape but has also clued me in to stress levels and the issues they can cause. That definitely has been an early warning system when I'm getting sick.


mtcwby t1_j5e1k3d wrote

Cows certainly do. Many years ago I leased my ranch to a local guy who was there before I bought it. There were a couple of things he did that I knew were a bad idea like running some really mediocre bulls with his herd and not controlling the access to the cows. Last straw was I found a way too young pregnant heifer dead in one of the pastures with a breech birth. I called the guy and he was sort of meh about it. I discontinued his lease the next month because he wasn't taking care of his animals like he should. My neighbor above us now leases it for less but is a hell of a lot better cattleman with a lot better cows.


mtcwby t1_j484i7m wrote

A guy we know has storage space and currently have a dozen late model teslas stored there with destroyed batteries. There's a high likelihood they're totals due to battery replacement costs.

To be fair, insurance usually totals cars in floods now. There were floods in the midwest years ago and after the cars were fixed they had nothing but problems with electronics thereafter.


mtcwby t1_j47kkqs wrote

The bay area was a blue collar place back then. Fremont was a GM plant town. Lots of assembly line workers and remember the Raiders were all about being blue collar. Don't confuse it with the tech bay area now.


mtcwby t1_j47kcad wrote

I grew up in the 60s and 70s near where Fogarty grew up. A hell of of lot of kids from the area ended up in Vietnam if they didn't go to college for the deferment. My older best friend was drafted at 18 from the same area and was in Vietnam in 65'. Kid across the street from my wife's house served and came back pretty messed up. The bay area wasn't the tech rich place it is now. Lots of assembly line workers lived there.


mtcwby t1_j3e7rvw wrote

Just leaving the fence lines unplowed does a lot for the birds. They serve as cover and pathways for them. My aunt had a farm up in Eastern Oregon and the pheasants were thick out there 30 years ago. To the point that most of the vehicles didn't have sideview mirrors because everybody had hit a pheasant at some point and knocked them off. Now they're a lot more scarce as the farmers have pulled up the fence lines between fields and removed a lot of habitat.

It doesn't mean you can't clear space but leaving some cover is needed. We cleared a lot of brush around our ranch house that had built up over the years by grinding. Getting rid of that brush has increased the amount of deer and quail in the area considerably which surprised me a little. Going forward I'm going to clear more but leave more paths through it that the game appear to prefer. The reality is it used to burn off regularly and achieve a similar result.


mtcwby t1_j1xw720 wrote

Mine was good about setting up PT and it wasn't until the PT guy said that he was concerned it was getting worse that I broke down and got the shot. He did make sure I had an orthopedist do it and it was a huge needle but it really didn't hurt with topical and the way they had me positioned.


mtcwby t1_j1uiyq9 wrote

A frozen shoulder was some of the worst pain I've ever felt. It got so breathing was painful and the slightest bump or wrong move would take me to the floor. PT and exercises for it only seemed to make it worse after a couple months. I avoided it as long as I could but finally had a cortisone shot which thankfully got the inflammation down enough that it healed. Still only about 90% with that arm for range of motion. I can't imagine having it worse than I did but based on the article apparently you can.