
mostassuredlyafish t1_ivptjty wrote

Someone kept putting LePage signs on my property. I kept taking them off.

I had a pile going for a bit, but I got worried someone might think I stole them, so off they went to the dump.

Those things aren't cheap, right? I half expect some guy in a Red Hat to come by and ask for them back.


mostassuredlyafish t1_itvgrol wrote

I like to think we're cousins. We only meet occasionally at family reunions, and you'd think there might be competition... but honestly we get along pretty well.

It's because we both know the real enemy is Old Man Winter.


mostassuredlyafish t1_isyq5bq wrote

Reply to Midterm by Ok-Box8267

LePage has a lot less fire than he had last time. Almost wonder if his heart is acting up again.

Honestly, I think he'll lose. He's just not putting the energy into this run. It feels strangely half-hearted. Minimal interaction.

I imagine a large part of him would like to lose and quietly retreat to the warmth of Florida.

Did someone force him to do this? Because it never felt like his idea to return.


mostassuredlyafish t1_isgi6t5 wrote

My ancestors warned me against visiting New Hampshire, or, as the natives call it: the Land of Wind and Ghosts. It is the place where the dishonored dead wander, cursed to forever live out the horrors they themselves inflicted in life.

Also, their plates are a weird color.