
mosssmonster t1_iw9nnlx wrote

Ghosts? ...I wouldn't claim "full-pennetration" but there was definitely Eros.

I didn't even believe in ghosts until one night in this spot when they came out in drooooves. Never experienced it anywhere else. Returned 2 years later for further investigation and, yep, same encounters.

I still don't know what I believe entirely, but that place was... Very special.


mosssmonster t1_iw8n5h5 wrote

We had this crazy guy once who was known as "The Sheet" because he would run into this mall I worked security at dressed in a white sheet like a ghost, squat down and take a dump right in the middle of the food court, and run away, escaping before security could nab him every time. We never caught the guy either, no idea what his deal was!

Some may call him a freak, but I say "That man was The Sheet!"

(Yes stolen joke... But funny.)