
moosedogmonkey12 t1_ja9qnnp wrote

Denver is a terrible city. The draw is the outdoors, and frankly I think a lot of people move to Denver and find that that is overblown - it’s a plains city, you still have to drive to the mountains! Big controversial opinion here but I actually think the best city/outdoor activity ratio is actually Boston and its immediate suburbs like Cambridge.

I don’t live in Denver, I live in a much smaller city in Colorado now. I’d move back to DC in a heartbeat over moving to Denver proper, because the truth is that for a 9-5er most of the time you’re in the city anyway so that’s the place you really gotta like. I also would take DC type transient-ness (job based) over the Denver type (ski bros 🤮). Of course, DC is my home and I was the token local of the friend group there so I’m biased. Now I’m just another transplant.