
monkeyfrog987 t1_je87r5o wrote

My only other statement is I love when people that are so deep in gun culture that they think that knowing the technical difference between these guns is the point and they get lost in the weeds.

Point is that we're the only country on the planet that has this problem and that children are regularly dying in places that they should be safe. The fact that the number one cause of death for children and teens in the United States is guns is completely lost on people like you.

Rather have some sort of semantic conversation about style and type instead of the overall thinking that there's a problem with guns in general.


monkeyfrog987 t1_je87hkx wrote

I hope you're as adamant about not banning drag, trans, gay people in general, CRT or any of the other things that Republicans want to ban as you are about guns.

If it's not the guns, and banning them won't do anything then the rest of it gets thrown out with the bath water as well.


monkeyfrog987 t1_je7ktet wrote

The 1994 assault weapons ban signed by Bill Clinton included the original AR-15. Yes, there was loopholes in that allowed copies but the original AR-15 was banned in that capacity.

As for the statement that most mass shooters are done with handguns, that could be correct but the most widely known and the ones were discussing here were all with the AR-15.

Hell the Uvalde cops admitted they didn't go in to the school because the shooter had an AR-15.


monkeyfrog987 t1_je74dym wrote

You haven't seen any consequences?

The assault weapons ban was allowed to expire by Republicans and now every mass shooter uses an AR-15 to carry out the attack.

It's scientifically proven that more guns correlate to a higher increase in gun deaths by suicide, homicide and accidental shootings.

With a state allowed for permittless carry then you can expect those numbers to go up in those states.


monkeyfrog987 t1_jd0ks65 wrote

I mean, sure but it's a fraction and almost nominal additional cost, otherwise it would be noted as a standalone addition.

What we do know is across the board, pork products, eggs, gas and oil etc. Etc. Corporations have increased their profit margins wildly untethered to the cost of goods.

Almost every recent investor call has shown this. All of them are bragging about how they've made record profits far and away above anything they've done in the past.


monkeyfrog987 t1_jd0jp4e wrote

From another part of the article:

Egg prices have surged, fueled by short supply caused by the deadly avian flu, high production costs and egg producers increasing their own profits.

Egg producers have increased their margin of profit higher than previously done and in the middle of supply chain issues and the avian flu.