
monachopsiss t1_jb4z2nl wrote

Definitely give an agent a call, every one I've ever dealt with been extremely nice and accommodating and will walk you through everything! (Progressive is who I dealt with when I was in your situation. It's not rare at all, they'll tell you exactly what you need to do). They all want your business, so it's in their best interest to be nice and help you out! You don't even need to know a specific agent, just call the general number and you'll get connected with someone who can help. If you end up liking them, get their extension and call them exclusively. Good luck! :)


monachopsiss t1_jb3s3xh wrote

Get all set up with the insurance first, you can just give the agent the make and model if you don't have the VIN yet. Explain you're about to buy it, on X date. And then once you have purchased it on X date, call them back and confirm all the info and ask for it to take effect that day. You can literally just call from the car before you drive away and finalize it quickly.


monachopsiss t1_j6pjv7b wrote

>this is the state of mental health medication for many of us.

As I clearly stated in my original response to you, I am aware of that. But it's your experience. Not everyone's.

Obviously we'd all love to snap our fingers and have perfect meds for every condition with zero negative side effects. But since that will never be possible, we shouldn't discourage people from at least trying something that could literally save their life.


monachopsiss t1_j6pjecu wrote

As someone who is severely ill (with a progressive illness), and married to someone who is also severely ill (with a progressive illness), this is so fucking sad and far too relatable. I'm at least glad they believed they were going to a better place where they'd all be happy and healthy. Imagine if we started actually caring about people in this country.


monachopsiss t1_j6pim3f wrote

This is a really dangerous general statement to make, and hearing stuff like this contributes to people being unwilling to try necessary medication. I'm sorry that's been your experience, but they greatly increase quality of life for many many people who don't have terrible side effects.


monachopsiss t1_j6phx9q wrote

Eh, I think the fact that they genuinely believed there is a heaven and that the 3 of them would all get to be there forever, together and free of mental illness, makes it a bit LESS sad. I envy believers. They most likely didn't have the same fear of death that others do and weren't as terrified in their final moments, especially considering how well-thought-out and planned this was.

But what a tragic fucking story.