
molotovzav t1_j9ko0yi wrote

They're like 305' (ft.)elevation. With that kind of elevation I would never expect it to get really cold. I'm in Vegas and we're like 2kft and our lows are about 20-30F. I always think of LA as way warmer in winter and I know I'm not even living in a cold area. It's the summer that will get you in LA, well not me, but all you snow bird types.


molotovzav t1_j6v2r9l wrote

I think it's also since their church is essentially run like a ponzee scheme mixed with a real estate racket when it comes to tithing and what the church spends money's easy for them to fall victim to the same scheme, often ran by the same people. There's a lot of Mormons in the top brass of mlms too.


molotovzav t1_j4snmyq wrote

I'm like one of the few people I know who doesn't give a shit about this movie. I've seen it multiple times over the decades I've been alive and I just don't care. Cue Xmas time and everyone talks about it so fondly and I just don't feel the same way at all lol.


molotovzav t1_iy6atf1 wrote

My reaction to this: this is fucked up (I hate insects, but I'm not going out of my way to interact with them either so I'm not a super big killer). 25% is alarmingly high, but it's an insect and probably has some crucial purpose in their respective ecosystems.


molotovzav t1_isqi2s8 wrote

We were trying to establish ourselves in Asia and jockeying for trade routes and influence in the area, we had just emerged form the civil war, where Europe was already established in some parts of Asia. Sometimes shit like this happened too, but it wasn't a larger conflict, just us trying to exert influence and people fighting us from time to time.