
mocha_sweetheart OP t1_j1y1p9i wrote

>Using bitcoin as an example, you can only mine 6.25 coins per block--roughly every 10 minutes.

Who, exactly, is stopping the rich from just opening multiple accounts and multiple miners for each one? They have the money, they have the resources, they have the land, and there sure as hell isn't stopping from just making bot bitcoin wallets etc.?!


mocha_sweetheart OP t1_j1xw07d wrote

I think you're the one that needs to be smacked in the face with reality on this. Let's say, fine, everyone adopts crypto. With crypto what exactly is stopping the elites from buying a bunch of it and a ton of supercomputer-level miners and stopping everyone from getting anything more than marginal sums? BTW, you can find examples of anarchist societies throughout history and more about why it works I think even in the same playlist.


mocha_sweetheart OP t1_j1xp1v3 wrote

No, the suggestion is to directly change the system so there are no elites and that everything is ruled from the ground up by us the people instead of the top down. Again, you didn’t watch anything I sent. Clearly you are not capable of honest debate or discussion.


mocha_sweetheart OP t1_j1wq7un wrote

If you're actually interested in learning about a system where there would be no such elites while innovation moves forward and often even better without them, I've linked a youtube series and a few sites and reddit threads below that explain in far more detail than one single comment can. At a high level, communism is a classless stateless system which falls closely in line with anarchism in which there are no unjust hierarchies; Anarchism is a pretty sophisticated philosophy. Anarchism just means "no rulers", not "no rules." Arguably this gives MORE liberty than a democratic republic because communes can form under and make their own rules which prevents the majority from oppressing the minority. Anarchocommunist theory has been explained a LOT already, so how about I link you to examples of people who actually do better than I can.


mocha_sweetheart OP t1_j1wd11d wrote

  1. Cars are arguably far more dangerous, the NHTSA says that 42,915 people died from motor vehicles in 2021 alone
  2. To make healthy communities you need to give everyone better opportunities and equality, and give mental healthcare to those who need it, that’s why people are going into crime because of the lack of such things, try solving the root causes to things

mocha_sweetheart OP t1_j1w7esn wrote

Very good question, I was initially coming at it with the angle of growing food inside of cities like hydroponics etc. and most of the rest of the land would be nature reserves, natural parks and so on, I’ll think about that


mocha_sweetheart t1_j1u76kl wrote

Here's something similar to the sheet with dozens of studies supportiing trans people etc. while I find the new link

  1. You talk about these few anecdotal examples because of the body horror aspect of people feeling trapped in the wrong body, but that's already how trans people feel in situations where they are unable to transition. The reason people often try to block having the puberty of the gender they don't identify with is because that feeling of being in the wrong body is so painful that most of us get suicidal ideation from it; In fact... Well-being (of transgender children after puberty suppression) was similar to or better than same-age young adults from the general population. Early transition virtually eliminates these higher rates of depression and low self-worth Transition dramatically improves mental health among trans kids The younger one transitions, the fewer problems one will have
  2. Well, they are different phenomena that feel very differently and you'd understand if it you had gender dysphoria but you don't, and most trans people talk about how hormone therapy helps with some of those issues but not others making the distinction even easier

3.1 First of all, read the replies on this thread that explain it a lot better Second of all, again, claims about identity are always unfalsifiable and I will not tolerate you denying my identity or dismissing it. I am a woman

  1. Yes, exactly, you can't prove a chimp's identity much the same way as how some external features don't prove a person's internal neurological identity

mocha_sweetheart t1_j1u5xzw wrote

If you're actually interested in learning about this, I've linked a youtube series and a few sites and reddit threads below that explain in far more detail than one single comment can. At a high level, communism is a classless stateless system which falls closely in line with anarchism in which there are no unjust hierarchies; Anarchism is a pretty sophisticated philosophy. Anarchism just means "no rulers", not "no rules." Arguably this gives MORE liberty than a democratic republic because communes can form under and make their own rules which prevents the majority from oppressing the minority. Anarchocommunist theory has been explained a LOT already, so how about I link you to examples of people who actually do better than I can.