
minor_thing2022 t1_j1dutjn wrote

Let it Be by The Beatles.

I saw Paul a couple days before my Aunt past from Cancer. I saw her the morning of the show and she was in really rough shape. I said I had tickets but I'm probably not going to go as things are rough right now, she said dont be silly go and have a good time. So I went and the whole show I was kinda guilty being there when the rest of the family was dealing with things. He started playing Let It Be and it was as if he was singing directly to me, I started to cry and by the end I felt better about things


minor_thing2022 t1_iuk8w1a wrote

To each their own I guess, my apologies for coming across confrontational. Jazz music does nothing for me, although my experience with it is slim and John's my favorite guitar player so I must defend my boy! What is a Jazz band you recommend I check out to help expand my horizons?


minor_thing2022 t1_iu5maj2 wrote

Don't get too focused on getting it absolutely perfect. Like I said, go get it set up professionally then you can see and feel how everything should be, then when you need to make adjustments yourself when the time comes you'll know what you like. Your focus now should be learning how to play. Not sure how far along you are but JustinGuitar on YouTube is the be all end all teachers for free. Start from the beginning of his lessons and go in order. His stuff is really basic and can get boring but stuck with it as those fundamentals will go a long way down the road. I was doing 30-40 mins of Justin, 15 mins of doodling and 20 mins of learning a song I liked to spice things up and keep it fresh. KEEP PLAYING you'll be thankful one day you stuck with it