
michigoose8168 t1_jef6ohv wrote

The only reason to forgo a match is in the case of cliff vesting, where you go from 0-100% all at once. In this case, you’ll get a 50-100% return (who knows, maybe you’ll change your mind or it will take you extra time to find a job that you’re happy with) on every dollar you put in. Unless you have some payday loans you haven’t disclosed, you’re not paying debt at more than 50%.


michigoose8168 t1_j1z9max wrote

All your credit card is, is the reverse of a checking account. You’re allowed to spend first and put money into it later.

Your budget is still determined by your income. What you spend using the credit card needs to not exceed what you bring in each month. But things like grocery, internet, phone, heat, electric can probably be paid with your credit card.

Likely, you need to move from budget by account to a written budget so that you can track your credit spending.


michigoose8168 t1_j1q3won wrote

Net worth of negative 100K at age 40 for two people?

Yes, you are behind.

Your budget would be beneficial here; the only thing I can see is that somehow you are only sparing $1500 a month which suggests your discretionary spending is way out of whack.