
mayasky76 t1_jedzezt wrote

Actually I was commenting on the last guys use of "at least" there.

A million dollars is AT LEAST marginally better than a nail through the head.

It tells you nothing about the difference in quality. If something is at least marginally better it COULD be miles better


mayasky76 t1_jedwk5j wrote

I started Lord of the rings three times.

At some point I "got" the language and loved it from then on in

Similar to the Patrick O'Brian Aubrey/Maturin books - hard to get into but so worth it


mayasky76 t1_jedveco wrote

The Book is far superior. I still cannot believe they ACTUALLY DID THE HOLLYWOOD ENDING that he takes the piss out of in the book. I mean COME ON.

the Film is a Poor copy of the book. Or even the Audiobook (although I listened to the RC Bray version not the Wil Wheaton one - and apparently the RC Bray version is superior - it was excellent)


mayasky76 t1_j9urjj4 wrote

Wtf are you talking about....

You think I.... a 47yr old British person with a BBC accent you wouldn't belive, someone who actually had Latin lessons in school..... need a reddit TIL to learn the meaning of the word decimate.

Sigh.... dei gratia sum quod sum eh!

We also know what well regulated means. We have a dictionary over here.


mayasky76 t1_j9uqwfk wrote

When you go to the doctor for an appendectomy you'd better hope some cunt hasn't been using it as a slang term for castration...

Also.. literally cannot mean exactly the opposite of figuratively which is how it gets commonly used.... thats not changing the meaning, its getting it fucking wrong

2+2 = Geoff hurst in the 1966 world cup kinda wrong.

Words HAVE to have a defined meaning or you just end up at green wallaby .

Get just the first thing that will still!