
maxxshepard t1_jcj3bnp wrote

I would add on to this and say, tell them you feel more comfortable with a smaller, more close knit congregation. Tell them you really want to get to know the community you go to church with, and that James river is just too large to do that.

I'm not a church goer anymore, but I went to James river for a while and it felt like... having church in an airport. Too many cooks in the kitchen, too many passengers on the bus. It felt like worshiping an institution instead of a deity.

If they really start an argument with you and you want to be petty to shake their conviction, you can point out that they have two Starbucks in there, and a gift shop, and that makes you uncomfortable because Jesus was staunchly against people making money on church grounds. Mark 11:15-17 You can say it makes you uncomfortable that they are going against his teachings.

Good luck to you kid


maxxshepard t1_j0cbfvw wrote

I went to crosstown for the first time about 6 months ago, and since then, I have been utterly gob smacked at why people love it so much. Unless we went on a day that the place was hijacked by a rouge prankster, I will never go back.

Me and my gf were served 4 slices each of what appeared to be reheated slices of grocery store deli meat, a slice of white bread, and weird tasting bbq sauce on a styrofoam plate, for $14 each.

It was BARELY edible. We went in expecting a lot due to the hype, and I would sooner eat at a gas station based on what we were served. Did someone punk us? Why do y'all love it so much?