
massahoochie t1_jd4pxha wrote

If you live here the car needs to be registered here.

Edit: since the car isn’t yours, I would recommend calling the RMV closest to you and ask them your question. They’re surprisingly helpful from my experience. Just call first thing in the morning.


massahoochie t1_j68pbs8 wrote

This has happened at least one time before on the green line in my experience. It’s a daily occurrence to be on the green line, it stops and then you sit there for 20+ minutes, then they say everybody has to get off. No explanation ever. Just everybody gets off. One time it happened to be in the tunnel. It was scary. No first responders either. Everybody just got off with their phone flashlights and walked out. I can’t believe how frequently it happens.


massahoochie t1_j60f1c7 wrote

The cape flyer runs Friday, sat and Sun from Hyannis to Boston for 3 months of the year. only 2x per day. It’s basically useless unless you live in Boston and want to pay $60 for a round trip to Hyannis. The schedule leaves from Boston at 7am and then the train leaves from Hyannis at 8pm. There is no conceivable way anybody would use it coming FROM the cape, unless you want to arrive in Boston at 9pm and then catch a 7am train the next day. It’s basically useless


massahoochie t1_j60eijn wrote

They use it for trash (seriously, they fill the train cars with rubbish) It aparently “can’t support a commuter rail” so it needs to be overhauled. There’s no reason that we shouldn’t have a regular commuter rail form Boston to Hyannis. The infrastructure is there. It just is old as fuck, and they don’t want to maintain or modernize


massahoochie t1_j2fb2aq wrote

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Boston has some of the worst nightlife out of any city in the US. Especially the gay clubs. You’re much better off going to a straight club and dancing there because they play music instead of horrible remixes at least. Was supremely disappointed when moving here from Philly where we have a vibrant fun gay culture to Boston — a dry, boring and clique-y culture.