
mandix t1_iwvde9j wrote

Multiple factors...

These events happened a long time ago IIRC for some reason they are just reaching the media so the data/surveillance may be difficult to find.

You need to subpeona these companies and it could take a while to get the data... once you get the data it might not be that useful. Venmo has very loose KYC rules compared to a real bank. Venmo is just really a big money laundering tool IMO.

Society wise gay men are not as high on the totem pole as a pretty white ladies stories... so stories like this don't really gain traction because society doesn't care... remember how those divers and people who had nothing to do with the missing youtube lady did everything they could to find them... the invisible powers at be don't care... It's sad truth when on fringe of the society... so many trans people are murdered every month.