
majorbraindamage t1_jaa29hb wrote

Probably not a good idea. It's old and has been stressed under pressure and the electronics exposed to cosmic rays for a long time. A mission to Mars should be a mission specific craft that is fresh and likely to not break down millions of miles from home with no help available. A manned mission to Mars has to go right the first time, or risk losing public support.


majorbraindamage t1_irn4r48 wrote

Firstly, its almost impossible. A primordial black hole would have to migrate into the center of the sun for there to be any way to pull that much of the sun's mass into the core. If that happened and our star exploded, then in 8 minutes, everything on Earth, above water and facing the sun. would be instantly vaporized. Those on the dark side of the earth would be roasted by a superheated atmosphere soon thereafter. It would look really cool from The outer planets though.