
mahe_ OP t1_je19hxf wrote


not long ago I posted a few pics of these beyerdynamic DT530 which look great (I think) but do not sound that great.

But since headphones are made for listening, I needed to find a solution.

So I've 3d-printed an adapter which makes it possible to use 50 mm drivers in these cans. I had the drivers of an AKG k371 lying around and tried these. With 2 opened ports on the drivers I got some bass, some fabric tape on the front to bring down treble a bit, and thick leather pads to reduce the bass roll off, they are actually fun to listen to :)

I was surprised I got that good of an result considering that these drivers are built for closed headphones with a quite small resonance room. And now they are in open headphones. The bass hump in the frequency response is still weird, but not as bad as it looks when listening to them. Maybe it could be tamed with some material in the back, but time is over for this week, need to get back to work :D

Adapter is on thingiverse btw:


mahe_ t1_iu1jugk wrote

Depending on what you need, you could also try "HiBy Music", which is free.

It also has exclusive mode and EQ and a ton of other stuff I've never used ;)