
madhatmatt2 t1_j9ym6uk wrote

As someone who was a drug addict for a long time there’s no fucking way on earth it should be blamed on the owners, imagine you work your whole life to build up your business and some scumbag drug addict takes his buddies up there with some overloaded dope and dies and you get blamed for it.


madhatmatt2 t1_j080u4l wrote

That was 44 years ago I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s past cases of it happening but today there’s no way. Saint johns has turned into a school where wealthy parents send their troubled kid it would spread like wildfire if a student was raped by a priest in today day and age and it’s just not the same school it was 50 years ago.


madhatmatt2 t1_j06u2bn wrote

It’s not lol no priests live on campus it’s not even that like force religion on you you have to go to mass a few times a year with the entire school but that’s it lol. There’s even LGBTQ clubs. It honestly was a very progressive school. I graduated from there 2 years ago. Anybody saying that there is sexual abuse going on at saint johns obviously didn’t go there and has no idea how it’s run. As someone who was is an atheist I would defend saint johns. At no point would a student be in a situation where they could be assaulted by a religious figure or priest nor does the fact that it’s a religious school mean high school students would be any more likely than any other high school in Worcester.
