
m4gpi t1_je0skaf wrote

It is still “extra protein” so if that’s something you think your dad could use, like if he has a crap diet, in that sense it’s a good thing. He could also take whey protein (which is cheaper, but some people have digestive issues with it), egg protein, pea protein… each of these has different qualities in terms of cost, slight flavor, digestibility, water-solubility, whether it can be cooked/baked, etc. Protein is important (especially in aging folks) so keeping the intake high is beneficial. The fact that it’s specifically collagen-derived, or whey, or egg, etc. is mostly irrelevant.


m4gpi t1_ja8krmo wrote

Reply to comment by ayeeflo51 in Eli5 credit score please. by astajaznan

Yes I should have added that. A little credit, good utilization, and a healthy credit score go a long way (at least in the US) towards financial freedom. They are good tools in the game of money.


m4gpi t1_ja8eo4q wrote

Reply to comment by astajaznan in Eli5 credit score please. by astajaznan

The “safest” for the bank IS the person who is unreliable. The fees for no-, late-, or under-payments (and interest) all go to the bank. So really the ideal customer is someone who uses a lot of their credit, and isn’t the best at repaying under the agreed terms. What they really want is someone who makes occasional or frequent mistakes, but at least tries to keep up.


m4gpi t1_ivhpehf wrote

An extended growing season is certainly a benefit, but it’s likely to be offset by increased disease and pestilence, and shifts in temps/rain/humidity (that translate to loss or relocation of arable land).

And, come to think of it, in terms of “world hunger”, rice, corn and wheat are the big crops, and they are all single-harvest products - what starts growing at the beginning of the season is what you (hopefully) get at the end. A slightly longer season might mean more indeterminate tomatoes, but doesn’t necessarily translate to more or even better wheat, etc. At the local/home-garden level a longer season certainly would be useful (assuming no changes in normal growing conditions).