
lysianth t1_iy9828w wrote

All of those also get us nowhere.

We can have a sustainable society. Its not impossible, but its going to take work. Hard work. And no small amount of sacrifice.


lysianth t1_iy91xdz wrote

Your viewpoint is as damaging as the corporations releasing fossils fuels. People like you will lead the way to a downward spiral of society by telling everyone theres nothing we can do.

Not a single one of those problems is unsolvable. Not a single one of those statements makes green energy less efficient than coal.


lysianth t1_iy8yjjh wrote

Well that was a rant, but anything I have to say about it was already said in the comments on that post.

Really, you put a lot of effort towards being wrong.


lysianth t1_iqoic2l wrote

You probably gain nothing. Someone with curiosity would look into it more and learn. Maybe they just improve their own diet because of their findings, or maybe they get into research relating to the field.