
lodav22 t1_jae3oc8 wrote

Of all the blood sucking creatures he could have used, he chose a flea? Good luck if he gets out OP, don’t ever leave your drink out of your sight!


lodav22 t1_j2fa66i wrote

I hope the soup puts you back in the laundry room and your friend is still living there as an 90 year old having been trapped with guilt from leaving her apartment and ever living any quality life. Then you get to go out into the world, still young and full of life, into a prosperous future time that you were responsible for.


lodav22 t1_j1aap8l wrote

Reply to Mall Santas by Verastahl

He told you to run. Don’t feel guilty for abandoning your friend, the friend who got you through the tough times at the sanatorium. Your friend who was happy inside until you started tempting him with the outside. Your friend who told you the truth and you didn’t believe him. No, don’t feel guilty for just driving away and saying nothing…….. you monster.