
littylikeatit t1_izfttue wrote

I don’t understand this point. Reddit is a large news source, this was posted on the correct subreddit, and it’s important information. Not to mention this subreddit isn’t very lively. This isn’t fear mongering or a petty crime. I was glad to see this article posted because I am often in that area at night.


littylikeatit t1_iz4sfb3 wrote

I think it’s bad in a sense that it will get worse before it improves, but definitely not on the levels of other large cities like others have said. But with that being said, I think homelessness is a huge issue that needs to be taken more seriously. It’s bad for the people living on the streets, bad for business, bad for the environment, bad for crime. I just don’t have a reasonable solution because rents are fucked and shelters suck ass.