
littlegreenrock t1_iwj1jmt wrote

People still cling to a centuries old idea that river from a stream or lake is as pure as mother nature gets. recycled waste water is always going to be superior to dam water because they take the water component out of the waste water, rather than taking dirty water, and making it "treated" dirty water. If we applied the same methods used for recycled water, with dam water, dam water would be equally perfect. Equally


littlegreenrock t1_iquhtes wrote

incorrect. selection can be a result of it's own. evolution is something much greater than simply changing colours. you're still confusing selection (and variance) with something greater, so much greater that it completely overshadows selection. these frogs are the same frog in a new colour. where as a cat and a tiger are not on the same level of disparity.

if my mums pink roses turn white it's not an evolution of the rose. they are still roses, with a new colour. that's selection, as a pressure, yes; and variance IN POPULATION as a RESULT. there's no evolution.


littlegreenrock t1_iqu4jps wrote

in HS i saw the grey moth in England, soot, turned black article. was told it was evolution, just as you learned. years later I did my science degree and discovered that this was a lie, it's selection not evolution

years later I find myself in a HS teaching biology. today it's that same moth, evolution. "you guys realise that this isn't evolution, it's selection, right?" this is the way we're going to teach it.

you are a product of this.

it's not evolution, it's merely selection and variance. two things needed for evolution to occur, this isn't evolution.
