
liftthattail t1_j58xfhg wrote

I had never seen such a monster as I did that day. It was far larger than I or anything similar I had seen before. A giant that attacked our colony. We couldn't fight it, no matter how we tried. It was to big, to powerful.

I hid. I didn't know what to do. I knew I should fight, but I couldn't. I watched everyone die uselessly against the monster. I wouldn't be the same, I couldn't be the same.

So being hidden, I was able to see that it brought friends. More of the monster where coming to attack. I ran away. I abandoned the queen, the colony, the hive. Everyone and everything I knew and I ran.

The fear of the monsters was to powerful for me. I am ashamed of what I did, but all actions have consequences right? I got lucky and ran into the keeper when I left the hive. The protector, the god. It's not like I can speak to the thing but I danced in front of it with my flight and managed to get it's attention. The god seemed to understand that I was drawing it to the hive. It followed me.

When I arrived back to the hive I could see my friends bodies or parts of them anyway. The other invaders had started to arrive and I saw them eating my friends.

One of my friends was poised in battle against an invader. Dodging and distracting. Fighting for the colony. Until something slammed over her and the invader. The invader flung itself at the wall to no avail.

God had picked a target. I knew it was only a matter of time until the invader killed my friend in the confines of the new prison, but that didn't matter to the god. Something slid under the prison and lifted it. I watched as the god took its prisoners away to a pool. I watched as it drowned them both. Not caring that my friend was in the crossfire.

It then left, quickly. There are more invaders though. So many more. I didn't know what to do. Did God kill one and abandon us?

I didn't have to wait long until God was back. Apparently the capture method was to slow and the god had other plans.

It unleashed the very clouds upon the invaders, and the colony. I watched it horror as they got covered by the clouds it weighed them down and they struggled and died. I only survived because I was away from the colony, away from the invaders.

The god then captured our queen carrying her away and what remained of the hive followed. Everyone, other than me. I could only stare at the destruction that was caused. By the invaders, and by God as he punished them. However God had inflected clouds upon them and us was obviously powerful. Maybe on both sides lay dead. I can only assume God took the queen to keep us away from it.

It couldn't have been long I started hovering at the remains of the hive, but maybe it was.

Because the next time I saw God again my God was not alone. The entire pantheon had come. Armed with white armor covering the body. Some of them carried trees as weapons. They examined the hive.

I thought I knew why they were here but I had to know. I had to see.

I was right, God had called his compatriots for vengeance. God may have killed many of my hive, but that was God's right as a God. The invaders had stepped on God's domain there will be vengeance and there was.

The pantheon of God's wielded trees, clouds, and weapons and tools I can't begin to describe when they found the home of the invaders. Eliminating them and looking, hunting for more. I don't know if they were hoping to find more to destroy in their vengeance or if they were being cautious.

After all, how can I know the intentions of God?


liftthattail t1_iu0pbh8 wrote

"Atom has escaped, sir." The voice came from behind the leader of the base.

"How? We have had her monitored so well, we have had so many precautions." The leader asked. "Forget it inciate all the protcalls. Code 666. We can not afford to let Atom do what she wants. She must be captured again.

The messenger ran to obay as the leader insisted the protcall. Everything will be locked down nothing will leave the facility now. Either Atom would give up or starve.

The leader gets on the PA announcing the protcall to Atom. "You can save yourself and us a lot of problems and a lot of pain by giving up now. You will not escape the facility. We know how to keep you here.

Then the laughter came and it came from everywhere. All around, and all encompassing.

"I have gotten what I wanted. I see no need to entertain you guys anymore. I'm done." Atom responds. The words like the laugh came from everywhere.

"How does that matter? I am in control not you." The leader of the facility responded.

In response eyes opened. Everywhere. The floor, the walls, the doors. "Oh really? Don't you know what I am?" Atom asks.

All transforming original monster. She is the facility. She always was.