
lazysloath1 t1_jegdvjl wrote

My 2 cents after living in jc more than a decade. The juice you get at Wonder bagel ( Bergen Ave) are from the oranges that are near end of their life. Mostly sourced from the vegetables stores adjacent to the store. Also sometimes when the juicer machine is not gentle on them , it catches part of the peel and juice becomes slightly bitter.

My suggestion is to get a manual juicer from dollar store ( under 5$), cut oranges in half and make your own juice. It hardly takes 5-10 mins and you get half the price. Experiment with different kinds or oranges such as Florida Juice oranges ( they are hard to peel but perfect for juice).


lazysloath1 t1_j39291p wrote

These whole food posts reminds me about a situation in New Delhi airport. One time the gate was changes and there were no announcement where is the new gate was. So every time any official person used to pass by our area, all the passengers would be over excited expecting that person has some info. But he will just pass. Same thing happened with multiple officials passing by our waiting area.