
kyoto93 t1_j5ygd16 wrote

I actually love using the HD600 for gaming as well since the soundstage is super wide and detailed, which helps me pinpoint enemy movements


kyoto93 t1_j0cogmy wrote

I get the sense that people from NH have lived in their houses for a long time and see no need to renovate, since they don’t plan on selling and are fine with the more dated designs. As others have pointed out a lot of these houses are on the market because of the housing price boom and wouldn’t be for sale otherwise so there’s no point in dumping money into renovations you’ll never see any real benefit from


kyoto93 t1_iyapr54 wrote

My personal favorite is “PB4WEGO”, the DMV tried to recall it for profanity 15 years after it was initially issued but the governor stepped in and stopped it from being recalled

Edit: spelling error