In addition to all the other reasons mentioned here (all of which I agree with!), you’ll get your checked bags significantly faster at Green. As in, get off the plane, make a bathroom pitstop, and your luggage will already be at baggage claim. I have never waited less than half an hour, and usually closer to 45-60 minutes, for my baggage at Logan.
kellieander t1_j4wfby6 wrote
Reply to Better to fly out T.F. Green or Logan Airport ? by beCyvyl
In addition to all the other reasons mentioned here (all of which I agree with!), you’ll get your checked bags significantly faster at Green. As in, get off the plane, make a bathroom pitstop, and your luggage will already be at baggage claim. I have never waited less than half an hour, and usually closer to 45-60 minutes, for my baggage at Logan.