
kayleighbird t1_jdqrl6s wrote

I also moved from out of state to go to a small private New England college. This was over 10 years ago and while I enjoyed my college experience I would not recommend it. My school was small, clicky, a big commuter population, and expensive. It had no personality of its own and people transferred out constantly.

I did get my undergraduate from there and moved onto a masters at a big state school when I had already established myself as a Mass resident. About 5 years after I graduated my undergrad, as many small private New England colleges do, closed down. Absorbed into a larger school system and I am still stuck paying that tens of thousands for a school that no longer exists.

I would encourage you to go big for undergrad and move here when you’re older, don’t spend all that money just because this is “where you want to be”. Give yourself some time, Boston will be here whenever you’re ready.