
kabfighter2 t1_j2c5ah1 wrote

Unless you've got $50,000+ of equity in a home you already own to put down 20% on a house (they are all going for $250,000+ now) you are going to have a very hard finding a place to live. Medical assistants are paid pretty poorly here (as are most healthcare professionals)...I'm an RN and I would legitimately not be able to buy a house from square one (zero existing equity) even on year ten pay.


kabfighter2 t1_j29q9kt wrote

Yeah baby, gotta get me that $20 hardtack crust, ketchup sauce, and bagged, pre-shredded mozz because it's "local". Vermont restauranteurs are all using the best local ingredients, paying their staff fair wages, making large charitable contributions regularly, and providing a great value to the good people of their communities.


kabfighter2 t1_j29oo4c wrote

Indeed. I am a degreed, mid-career professional in a high-demand healthcare field. I can afford the mortgage I got in 2014...if I didn't already live here, I wouldn't be able to afford to buy my rather meager abode at this point as its value has doubled since I bought it.


kabfighter2 t1_j29glbs wrote

I am of half a mind that any empty nester that comes to Vermont has to bring at least one adult child with them who has been trained in a healthcare profession (RN, RRT, MD, NP, PA, PsyD, LCSW, whatever). We have an aging population, and we are careening toward an apocalyptic hellscape of an overburdened medical system within the next decade as the baby boomers leave the workforce and become huge users of the system. This is not unique to Vermont per se, but we do have one of the oldest populations and we will be impacted accordingly.


kabfighter2 t1_j29fddp wrote

Like I said, I'm kinda kidding about that stuff, and I'm sure you'd be happy as hell here (and we'd be happy to have you). This is really the Assholes of Vermont subreddit...the regular Vermont folks aren't on the internet all the time like us weirdos.


kabfighter2 t1_j29emlb wrote

There's not enough housing for the people that already live here. Don't come here to work remotely, because we need people to contribute to the local businesses. Only physicians, nurses, teachers, and some specific types of engineers allowed at this point. Sorry. Come here and spend all your money on vacation, then go back to where you belong.


/s (kinda). This is what you're going to get over the next couple hours condensed into one paragraph.


kabfighter2 t1_j29cwox wrote

Yeah, this was kind of my sentiment and then I got downvoted into oblivion. I used to work in Rutland and after 12-hour days it was nice to be able to roll through the drive through at Little Caesar's and get a pizza for dirt-cheap that wasn't great but scratched the pizza itch. My town has two pizza places: one that is open pretty much whenever they feel like it, and another that has pizza that is really lacking in quality. I have to drive to the next town over to get a decent pizza, and it costs me about $17 plus the gas to get there and back. I travel for work now, and Vermont's restaurant scene is bad. Even the places that you think are locally owned and sourced are run by shysters getting a weekly delivery from Sysco. Vermont just has a nice, local veneer over our crappy food rather than a corporate logo.


kabfighter2 t1_j1f4303 wrote

Power was out for about an hour this morning in Middlebury, but otherwise good. Still have the USB battery pack on the charger just in case.


kabfighter2 t1_j1eqso7 wrote

My 4x4 truck is absolute garbage without snow tires (I got them on late this year because I was out of town). I could barely get up my driveway without them after the first snow. With the snow tires I can crawl up driveway with snow up to the bumper.

Slow down in the turns (and in general). 4x4 gets you going, but doesn't do a damn thing in the corners (and might even hinder if the front wheels start binding). If you have an auto 4x4 mode, use that instead of 4-high unless you really need to get up a hill.


kabfighter2 t1_ivthzp7 wrote

Reply to Advice by asdfg6672

If you're willing to be about 45 minutes south of Burlington (also 45 minutes north of Rutland), Porter Medical Center in Middlebury is a pretty nice place to work. It's a small critical-access hospital within the UVM Health Network. As others have and will point out, housing is tight here. Send me a message if you want more info and I'll tell you all about it.


kabfighter2 t1_ivtgqf0 wrote

Reply to comment by Vermonter623 in Advice by asdfg6672

If they were just going to come here to work their six-figure job remotely, definitely. We'll make an exception for a respiratory therapist, though. We need them.