
jro10 t1_j5q4f3b wrote

The ocean is coming for us. Why we sunk billions and billions into developing Seaport when it’ll just be underwater in a few decades is beyond me.


jro10 t1_j2ekq3a wrote

Cloth masks offer little to no extra protection. If you’re wearing an N95 you’re well protected regardless of whether or not the other party is masked.

Mandates were only meant to be used temporarily when covid was at its worst. These kids have been severely impacted by covid for 2+ years. Enough with the nonsense—let’s use common sense and free will.

You want to send your kid in a mask? Go ahead. Don’t force others to do the same because you’re still paranoid.


jro10 t1_j2dgezi wrote

My son had to wear a mask from 2 to 4—half his life. We were on board when covid was killing people left and right but now we have a vaccine and tools to fight it.

Not to mention, young kids aren’t supposed to wear N95s and we know cloth masks are ineffective so what are we doing?? It’s nonsensical.

Follow the science. The science says cloth masks don’t work so let the young kids be maskless and if older kids make the choice to wear N95 they are well protected regardless of it others are masked. Let these kids have free will and choose for themselves.

Children deserve to have normalcy and see smiling faces. They’ve sacrificed a lot and it’s time to give them their childhoods back. Anyone who doesn’t understand that can fuck off.