
joos1986 t1_jdulslg wrote

man the more details you share the more fucked up this comes across.

Like some mentioned, I figure they may have given you GHB.It is scary how the whole thing seems so set-up and planned out.


Hope you got it in you to go for the (hopefully) easily doable next steps people mentioned. See how it goes from there.

Bloodwork (wouldn't you want to know what it was, even if it doesn't go anywhere?), see if you can read up some more, and if possible at least have a consultation with legal representation.


I always get overwhelmed (and frequently) fuck up on things like this.

Don't beat yourself up. Throw out any self blame, it doesn't help.

The situation is at it's worst right now. You can't change that.


Every little thing you manage to do only helps your case.


You were in a situation where you were taken advantage of and harmed by people that intentionally made sure you were vulnerable.

Clear your head, look at it objectively.

You were the victim. But you don't have to feel that way.

Sober, capable, you can do things about this.


joos1986 t1_jdul02c wrote

Yeah, but also.

This is very fucked up. These dodgy ass places count on the fact that they, and you, are dealing in illicit stuff to take advantage of you.

Probably counting on a mix of your embarrassment, and strong arm tactics, and it's straight up robbery.

I feel for you man. You went out for a night on the town, you didn't deserve to be robbed.


joos1986 t1_j6mo32g wrote

Can I just say some things I'm telling myself.

You thinking that she's someone you'd be down to date is not an ulterior motive.

You being respectful and not bashing her over the head with it is not being deceptive.

You waiting to confess your attraction for her and your desire to be something more till it felt comfortable to do so was not you biding your time.

You paying for treats out of a genuine desire to cheer her up is not a transactional ploy.

You liking her is not an encumbrance on her.


It's lovely, and one of the most genuine expressions of how she's more than the sum of her parts to you, real life warts and all.


She's lucky to have someone feel that way about her.

It's really easy to tear ourselves down in our own eyes, having someone in your corner that knows how the sausage is made, and still thinks you're the tits is something everyone should be lucky enough to have.


Don't get so caught up in the situation that you fail to see that you bring a lot to the table.

You're worthy, and you're going to love someone that loves you back. You finding your way to your person is a journey, and that's all you explored.

Honestly dude, even with this particular entanglement, tain't over till the fat lady sings.
You keep being you and open to the possibility of good things presenting themselves to you.


joos1986 t1_j1ps54c wrote

Yeah, definitely more mortifying

With the festive season it probably would've gone down without too much awkwardness and just added to the hilarity.


Life's too short.

Facepalms are like a high 5 for the face :')